
INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK signing at Comic Odyssey

Kajo Baldisimo's Marvel Try-out Pages

New Comics from SUMMER KOMIKON 2012

Gerry Alanguilan's Lost Alien Invasion Story

TFAW interviews Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato

Ian Sta Maria's SALAMANGKA

Batman/Superman Beyond by Ian Sta. Maria

C.B. Cebulski in Manila

heART Works and Superior comic book launch

Spider-Man vs Green Goblin by Harvey Tolibao

Leonardo Giron draws DEAD GIRLS

National Bookstore SUPERIOR iPad promo

Incredible Hulk art by Whilce Portacio

The Incredible Hulk cover by Leinil Yu

Zsazsa Zaturnnah sa Kalakhang Maynila (Part One) Book Trailer